

Being an importer involves various interactions with ports and logistics operators on a daily basis to dispatch a container, making this a complex process.

With this tool you will be able to optimally track your loads in real time and have a unified experience with all your suppliers, which will help you to streamline and better manage your resources.

Everything that an Importer can do

Process in which users have the availability to register with DR Trade, completing the company information and corresponding requirements.

Module for creating users who will use the services available in DR Trade.

Module enabled to know all ship visits to ports.

Through Export Reservation, importers/exporters, freight forwarders, intermediaries and shipping lines will be able to verify and/or consult previously made reservations.

This module allows shippers, importers, exporters, freight forwarders, brokers, shipping agencies and shipping lines to create truck visits for the corresponding port. Through Truck Visit users will be able to perform dual mission visits from a single transaction.

This module allows importers, exporters, shipping agencies, shipping lines and intermediaries to verify and consult the movements of their containers entering and leaving the terminal.

This module allows importers, exporters, shipping agencies, shipping lines and intermediaries to verify and consult in bulk all information regarding their cargo.

This module allows importers, exporters, shipping agencies, shipping lines and intermediaries to view the inventory of containers they have in the terminal yard.

Through this module, importers, shipping agencies and shipping lines will be able to request, as required, verification of their containers at the corresponding terminal.

This module allows importers, exporters and intermediaries to view invoices and tariffs for their containers in order to proceed with payments through DR Trade.

Through this module, importers, exporters and intermediaries will be able to quote their containers and proceed with payment in DR Trade.

This module allows importers, exporters and intermediaries to view and download receipts of payments made to the terminal through DR Trade.

Internal module that allows DR Trade users to monitor the status of messages shared between terminals and DR Trade.

Allows all DR Trade users to manage events and notification channels on the web portal.

Allows all users to view information about their transactions on DR Trade, depending on the notification channel selected.